Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"'Twas The Night Before Sundance" by Pamela Powell

'Twas the night before Sundance, when all through the house,
All the dogs were a-stirring, for I had misplaced my gorgeous red blouse.
People In Black, as the locals do say, 
no red would be missed, just like back in LA.

The children were set with the Amex in hand,
As mom would be gone which left the house completely unmanned.
And Dad in his cave and Kelsey glued to Facebook,
Mom continued stuffing her bags, using each little nook.

When down in the kitchen, there arose such a clatter,
I jumped off my case to see what was the matter!
I tore down the stairs, jumping over the dogs,
Slid into the kitchen, shook my head in a fog.

A tear streaming down the sweet cheek of my daughter,
The red blouse was ripped as it had gone through a slaughter.
The comforting words were emitted with care,
As she knew Robert Redford would certainly be there.

Now, Mother, it's Sundance, you know that for sure,
All people will be dressed in the finest couture.
But you are my mom and a reviewer as well,
Just wear some black like the others, just do it, oh Hell!

So I packed all in black with a smattering of blue,
Hey, it's really the films do that matter, and nothing more could be true.
To the 2 car garage, To the Mazda hatchback
I headed to Park City with not more than 2 cases of black.

And then, in a twinkling, I looked discreetly behind me,
Just to find red and blue flashing brightly to flag me.
Oh Dear, Oh, Dear, what could I possibly have done?
I'm going to Sundance for movies, and maybe a ski run!

The officer walked to my Mazda with care,
As he asked for my license, I said a quick prayer.
His eyes, how they twinkled, his dimples how merry.
My reason for speeding was Sundance's  new film,  "Crystal Fairy!"

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
He wrote on the paper, then turned with a jerk.
Directions were written so clearly for the  record,
All is forgiven if you meet Mr. Redford!

Happy Sundance to all, I will see you tomorrow!  

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