NYC was one of the most intimidating cities on my list. I have traveled all over the country alone; Boston, Philly, Atlanta, and many more, but no city intimidated me more than NYC. I was outside my box, but there were a few things that remain true to my personality and that was the way I traveled to NYC. Most people would take a flight from O'Hare or Midway into JFK, grab a cab, and stay at a nearby local hotel in the trendy area of Tribeca for this film festival. I'm not "most people." I have always liked doing things a little out of order or in a different way and this film festival appeared to have been my norm of doing things. First of all, I drove...from Chicago. Why would I do that? It's about 1000 miles! You see, my mother turned 90 this weekend in my beautiful hometown of Mayville, NY. How could I miss that momentus occasion. Then fly on to NYC from Buffalo, right? Nope. No can do. The flights go from Buffalo, back to Chicago for the most NONdirect route to NYC. So I Poughkeepsie. Yet another gorgeous place I have lived and created cherished memories. Put this on your list of summertime activities to do...walk across the Hudson River then have lunch or dinner at CRAVE. Then it was on to the train (with a huge suitcase, or should I say suitcases as I am the queen of overpacking) to arrive in the Grand Central Station area and stay in my wonderful friends' parent's condo overlooking the East River and the United Nations! Spectacular!
I have to say that NYC is an unbelievably friendly city; from the kind young man helping me put my BAS (Big Ass Suitcase) up on the rack to the kind gentlemen offering me directions and tips on "doing Tribeca." I was not overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the city, but by the kindness of it. I felt not just safe, but welcomed here. Men were chivalrous, women were friendly and helpful, and above all, everyone was polite. Moms of NYC dwellers rest assured that you raised your kids right. They remembered their manners even when they have flown the coop.
Now looking back on my too short of a trip of 5 days and my too-many-to-
count movies, beside needing a nap, I am thankful I "tackled" NYC. This Tribeca Film Festival was so much more than a film festival. Hindsight regarding anything is 20/20 and with other film festivals, I was so focused on cramming in so many movies that I had forgotten to stop and smell the roses. I did smell the roses (and the Gerber Daisies and the tulips, etc) in NYC and am so pleased that I had actually learned from my previous mistakes to do more than view films. I have also realized that even having taken advantage of events outside of the film festival that fell into my lap, I must return to NYC to see all the things that I missed.
Films that I felt were worth seeing will be featured here in my full reviews, but to give you highlights of things to look forward to, I'll list them here along with some descriptions to entice you.
1. "Hide Your Smiling Faces" was reminiscent of "Stand By Me" of years gone by. Not exactly a "coming of age" movie for boys, but definitely a growing up movie about boys. The theme consistently revolved around death and dying. As two brothers and their intertwining friends coped with wills beyond their control, they explored not only the beautiful countryside, but their souls as well. A beautifully depicted film, both cinematically and emotionally, "Hide Your Smiling Faces" will bring you back to your youth as it did mine in Upstate NY. The end left me unfulfilled, but I'm venturing a guess (after speaking with males that saw this film), that men will relate more readily to it.

4. "Wadjda" focused upon a girl who dared to challenge the norms as a young student growing up in Ridayh, Saudi Arabia with her single mother. Wadjda was constantly in trouble for acting like what we Americans would call a typical 10 year old. But in this patriarchal society of Saudi Arabia, a girl wanting to ride a bike or not cover her face were grounds for punishment. Wadjda and her mother both learn more about themselves and how to be happy. This is a wonderful film that anyone from any culture can enjoy.

8. "Fresh Meat" was a horror fan's dream...or should I say nightmare? Bumbling criminals break out one of their partners from an police transport. In their efforts to escape the law, they happen upon an open garage in which to find refuge. The foursome find their gruesome match in that house they have invaded. "Fresh Meat" is equal parts disgusting bloody special effects and typical horror sequences which kept me on the edge of my seat. It was really rather funny in parts as well. The "gross-out" factor was too much for me. I really needed an air sickness bag positioned in the seat pocket in front of me.
9. "Some Velvet Morning" was recommended to me by another film critic. I will be forever thankful for his guidance. Stanley Tucci and Alice Eve starred in this film. That's all who are on the screen. This was a provocative film about a prostitute and her client whom she hasn't seen in many years. Their relationship is more than client/provider and that is evident from the beginning. It is also evident that their past relationship is less than a healthy one. This was one of the biggest emotional roller coaster rides I have ever experienced in a film. And then the train hit me head on. I can't tell you more than that. See this one.

In addition to these feature films, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to see short films and documentaries prior to the festival. "The Genius of Marian" and "The Rider and the Storm" were two enlightening short docs that everyone should take the time to see. I had the opportunity to interview both of these filmmakers and will post these interviews in the coming weeks. Other fun shorts that I viewed included "The River," "The Nightshift Belongs to the Stars" (I apologize to the actor that I almost dropped my 50# backpack on as I was seated for "The English Teacher! Glad you laughed with me!), "Lapse: Confessions of a Slot Machine Junkie,""Fool's Day," "Epilogue," "Zzzzz," and "Fortune House."

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