"Trance" was mind-blowing. I was mesmerized from the moment I saw the opening scene. This fast paced yet deliberate movie gave me only the necessary information to process what the director and writer wanted me to...no more and no less. It was like fitting pieces of a puzzle together, bit by bit, finding a piece on the floor that you knew was missing, then squeezing it in where it belonged only to find another piece still in the box. It truly wasn't until each and every piece of the jigsaw puzzle was in place, and you stood back, did you really know what happened in the end. Wow! This intense movie was captivating stylistically, cinematically, as well as psychologically. The characters were developed to the extent that you needed them to be only when the writer wanted you to know them. The timeline was somewhat fractured, but not to a point of confusion. This timeline overlap made it clearer and more interesting. You did have to pay attention, though. You did NOT have time to get up and go to the bathroom like the homeless woman who sat in front of me did on numerous occasions. I felt sorry for her...not because she was homeless, but because she missed the entire gist of the movie! Hopefully, she was movie hopping and could catch those pieces at a later showing. (Please note here that I do NOT condone movie hopping!)

"Trance" was a violent movie, but not over the top. There were scenes that made me cringe, but this was all to add to the credibility of the movie. I was glued to the screen. I didn't want to miss a thing for fear of not being able to figure out what the puzzle would look like at the end. This movie played with memories; the real and the imagined. It played with how the brain worked. It made you think. "Trance" was a mind-boggling psychological thriller with drama, love, sex, and violence. It was also smart. What more can you ask for in a movie?
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