Rated R
Starring: Seth Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill, and Jay Baruchel
107 unretrievable minutes
What was I thinking? Really? Put together Seth Rogen, Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, and James Franco in an apocalyptic/Book of Revelations horror flick and of course you're going to have scatological references, crass male appendage jokes, and overall immature and sophomoric humor. But I had hope. Dumbass me! Again, what was I thinking?
All of these actors played themselves, although I really hope their personalities were nothing like their on-screen selves. Rogen and Baruchel were past friends from back home who scheduled a visit together in LA complete with drugs, awful food, and video games, trying to reconnect. Seth was intent on Jay getting to know and like his LA friends. They attended Franco's party at his new home. When the world began its very, very slow decent into the end, they all figured out who was truly good at heart; who was a real friend.

Where do I begin? Seriously! I really don't know where to begin this review. Even my 18 year old daughter looked at her watch several indication that she thought it was never going to end either! Yes, there were some funny references to past movies and characters, but many of them were unknown to me. I'd mention the funny ones, but to me, that would blow the whole movie for you. There would be nothing left to laugh about! In a nutshell, the movie was childish with lots of screaming and running from things. The lines were ridiculous and forced at times, but you just knew that these guys were in a love fest with each other. I think they really thought it was funny! I just wanted it to end. This Is The End really should never have begun.

Now that I have that out of my system, I will say that I am sure based on the penis jokes, the fart and masturbation references, and other "boy" kinds of humor (I can say that...I raised one!), the 18-24 year old male population will find it much more enjoyable than the female least the 40-something year olds. I'm guessing based on my daughter's response that she could never get back those two hours, the teen girls might not think its too funny either.
So, unless you're an
18-24 and male, skip it. I'm not slamming the 18-24 year olds, I'm just recognizing the differences in humor and appreciation. If you're a religious type, you might find this rather blasphemous and offensive. There is a nice message in the film nice.
3 REELS because I did laugh a few times...3 exactly.
Good review Pam. I laughed a great amount during this flick and still am as I type this because I continue to remember certain lines and jokes that still hit hard.
ReplyDeleteHi Pam, I sensed everything this film would be from the trailer. Seth Rogen and his cronies playing to the usual friday night teenage crowd with the same old immature jokes rehashed. Am I the only one who is bored with these movies?
ReplyDeleteNice review all the same and thanks for giving me the heads up. I hope to avoid this one like the plague but sense I may have to grin and bear it for my readers :( Ah the sacrifices we make as film critics :P
Allan, you are absolutely correct in your description of Seth and "his cronies." Avoid it if you can, but I've received comments and e-mails from people who really enjoyed it.
DeleteIf you must make that sacrifice and do go, make sure you let me know your thoughts!
Too bad you didn't like this one so much, Pamela... I guess it really does depend on one's age and sense of humour. I thought it was hilarious! Definitely one of the funniest comedies I've seen since 21 Jump Street. My favourite movie of the year, too. But, I am 18 and male; so maybe that's why, haha!!
ReplyDeleteI thought about 90% of the jokes were funny, but the one joke I laughed the hard at was... Well, it's a bit of a spoiler so I'll try to say it in a discrete way... That big popular horror movie reference near the end-ish, when things were starting to get really hectic... Well one of the big non-penis jokes, LOL. Jonah Hill slays me. I love this cast. I know it's all very immature, but I think it's great. I do enjoy myself some smart humour though, I'm quite varied when it comes to what makes me laugh.
Good review overall, Pamela. Even if I did like it a lot more than you :D
Thanks for your comments! I'm glad you liked it so much. My son is 20 and he absolutely loved it. When we were talking about it, he couldn't finish one of his sentences because he was laughing so hard recollecting the scene! Here's a funny thing, I really liked 21 JUMP STREET! Go figure.
DeleteThanks for stopping to read the review and taking the time to comment.
Haha, that's really the case with me, too! Did you have any expectations for 21 JUMP STREET? It seems that you had some for this... Maybe becaue 21JST was such a big surprise, because many just passed it off as "oh, just another remake..."
DeleteI had zero expectations for 21 Jump Street! I was so surprised and I loved the way they incorporated the "old" into the new...too funny! My daughter and son didn't get it, but I did which made it even funnier!
DeleteAgreed! I liked the good old-fashioned style, and I'm a sucker for a good ole self-aware movie. That line said by Nick Offerman that goes like "they're revamping a program from the 80s because they don't have any more good ideas and they're remaking everything" was so good. Such a funny comment on Hollywood.
DeleteHahah they didn't get it? That does make it funnier! It's actually one of my favourite comedies.
I loved that line that Nick Offerman said as well! It fits his personality...I had wondered if he had ad libbed that one! And the end was great...I explained the characters at the end when my daughter and I watched it together for the second time so she would get was really lost on her. Glad I got it! See? Age DOES have its advantages...not many, but a few! LOL!
DeleteI adore his comic delivery, I really really have to start watching Parks and Recreation this summer... (And I need to see Kings of Summer soon, holy crap.) I hope I understood the significance of their characters LOL! I at least think I did! Was there a deeper, meta-esque or something meaning to them? Maybe, since I'm young, it's lost on me, too, and I don't even know it... Oh gosh.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I guess it does have a few advantages :D
Nah, nothing deep at all...just the characters from the past resurfacing in a humorous way. With my daughter having no history with the original, it was just an acknowledgment on her end, nothing more. I do like it when a film can mock itself and/or Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteI love that people are turning the reviews into a conversation...exactly why I started this blog!
Hahah okay, good! I really don't know anything about the original, expect for the fact that it stars Johnny Depp. I'd be interested to watch an episode or two of it.
ReplyDeleteHaha, well I'm glad I can help with that! I'll definitely be a regular here, Pam :) But be warned: I'm slow to read theatrical reviews because I only like to read them after I write my own, lol.