Friday, August 17, 2012

"HIT AND RUN" IS A HIT! by Pamela Powell

“Hit & Run” was a hit in my book.  What fun!  This movie has it all!  Love, violence, humor, irony, and quirkiness were all successfully blended together to create a successful and entertaining film!  Dax Shepard wrote the screenplay for this movie and also directed and starred in it.  It’s about the life of Charles Bronson.  No, not that Charles Bronson.  This Charles Bronson was the adopted name of the character in the Witness Protection Program.  Living in a podunk town somewhere east of LA, Charles or Charlie as he will now be known, was protected by the oh- so-loving, but truly inept, federal marshall Randy (Tom Arnold).  Granted, the writing was great for this character and all characters, but Tom Arnold pulled off this unique character with ease.  Tom’s comedic timing was just icing on the cake for this fun movie.    As Charlie's girlfriend Annie, played by Bell, needed to go to LA to secure a new job, he risked everything by leaving the Witness Protection Program to get her there.  As the news traveled, Charlie's ex-con cohorts received information of his whereabouts and the thrill of the movie began.  Charlie wanted nothing more than to protect Annie (Bell), but his previous bank robber partners wanted what they felt they were entitled to.  As the story evolved, Annie learned more and more about who she thought Charlie was.  Throw in a jealous ex-boyfriend and the pot gets stirred a little more vigorously.  Shepard, Bell, Arnold, Cooper, Rosenbaum and Chenoweth melded together on the screen to give the audience total entertainment.

“Hit & Run” was a quirky, fun, cute love story complete with a little violence, a few chase scenes with cool cars, and side stories that augmented the main story.  There was also a touch of sweetness in this movie.  I left the theater with a smile on my face.  “Hit & Run” had the feel of an indie flick on a bigger budget.  Wow!  Could Hollywood actually be recognizing what might work on the screen?  Let’s hope so.  I can’t handle any more Transformer movies!  Audiences of all ages, both male and female, are going to love this movie!

8 Reels

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